I am sad to say one of our hens died tonight because of our idiot dog. Dr. Bailey was a sweet Rhode Island Red and a very social gal. She also was a great layer, and will be missed.
Rex broke his cable this evening and attacked the chickens. He only managed to take the life of one, breaking her neck, so I hope her death was quick and painless. He almost got our rooster George, but luckily my husband was able to drag the dog off of him.
The flock is clearly traumatized, the rooster most of all. When we finally caught him to return him to the coop, he let out the most terrified wail I'd ever heard an animal make, and he kept it up as he was carried to the coop.
My heart is absolutely broken. This experience makes me want to be vegan. But the death of an animal should never be wasteful. We're going to give Bailey a proper sendoff, with all the trimmings. My husband Jay will have the honor of dressing her. In the mean time, I will be working up the courage and appetite to stomach my first ever home grown, grilled backyard chicken.
Rex--Dogzilla--is currently doing hard time. That moron is lucky we love him so much.
When it's all said and done, I guess I'm a little more desensitized to the horrors of farm life, and I have yet another reason why I am a hard-core cat person. But saying goodbye to an animal that has become a part of your life, no matter how small, is incredibly hard.
RIP Dr. Bailey ❤
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