Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Crumbling Impenetrable Fortress

Yesterday the cat got in our chicken coop. Today, a chicken got out. Seriously?

There's nothing quite like casually looking out the window and seeing one of your precious Rhode Island Reds strolling around your backyard on the wrong side of the chicken wire (She's precious because she's one of the few laying at the moment). All I could think was how in the HECK did she get out? I'm still thinking that now because I never figured it out. Luckily miss Callie was cooperative and let me pick her up and put her on the right side of the wire with no hassle, fuss, or unwanted exercise--and by that, I mean I didn't have to chase her down. The last time a chicken escaped, I spent 20 minutes trying to get a hold of her. It was a wasted effort because even though I managed to get her back inside, a fox did too and had her for a midnight snack.

I suppose it worked out for the better. Callie's escapade led me to a freshly laid egg right in the middle of the run. I think another lady finally started laying! It's about time. Out of the 8 hens we have only two (maybe three now) are earning their keep. They're well past 30 weeks, too. I just hope the egg in the run thing was a rookie mistake and she figures out where she's supposed to lay.

As for Callie escaping, my best guess is that it was a glitch in the matrix. Hopefully it won't happen again!

And then there's the matter of our pathetic excuse for a chicken castle... We have a lot of work to do this spring!

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